Tumaini Africa Apps

Tumaini africa 1.1
TUMAINI AFRICA, with a literal meaninginEnglish being HOPE AFRICA; is a Non- profit Organization createdonJanuary 05,2O16 by an initiative of a naturalized AmericanofAfrican origin, Mr. BENJAMIN KYUMA, with a main goal ofreachingout to desperate orphans ,widows ,hopeless children in theregionwhere he grew up, the Great Lakes Region of Africa: theDemocraticRepublic of Congo, and BURUNDI due to long time chronicconflictsin these countries.Having an awareness of the tragic situation there, and followinghisvisit to that region, upon his arrival back to the USA, he cameupwith an original idea to establish an organization which couldhelpthose categories of vulnerable people, in terms of makingthemfinancially self-sufficient and furthermore, teaching them howtobe good neighbors to each other, as an approach to tacklepotentialfuture conflicts. In association with his fellow AmericansofAfrican origin, the TUMAINI AFRICA initiative wasconsolidated,basically, with members’ financial endeavors coming inas fundraising, with an aim to strengthen the original goal ofsupportingGreat Lakes Region of Africa desperate orphanschildren.It is worth mentioning that, the recent political standoffinBurundi, has done nothing but to aggravate the alreadymiserablesituation of the vulnerable categories of children andwomen in theGreat Lakes Region, with big inflows of Burundianrefugees fleeingto the neighboring Democratic Republic ofCongo-which was alreadyridden by its own societal problemsfollowing decades of wars inthe Eastern Part of the country- andothers stayed in Burundi,either misplaced or without any otherchoice but to stay in theinsecurity ridden areas.In consideration of those refugees, it is worth noting that,amongthem there is a considerable number of children and women,amongthem, orphans-who need to get back to school in theircurrentrefuge- and widows, some of them being pregnant at the timetheyfled. Tumaini Africa initiative has been so far,financialendeavors by its members to help these orphans go back toschool,and to help these widows in all areas where help wasneeded:deliveries at hospitals, etc.​